Wednesday, September 11, 2013


                A recent summer mission trip through bisonCatholic ministries helped me realize that God could work through me.  A group of young Catholics went to Alaska through FOCUS, the Fellowship Of Catholic University Students.  We set up adult bible studies the first evening in Saint Michael. We went around to homes and invited the adults to bible study.
                Our second night, half of the group stayed and led the bible study while  the other half of the group went and invited more people to come to bible study.
                I was with the half out in the village. We got to one house and knocked on the door, and didn’t think we could hear anything. However, Michael thought he could hear someone so we knocked again and a woman answered the door. We told her she could go down to the Catholic Church and join the bible study. She said “Great, I will go!” At the time we didn't think much of it and continued on.
                After a while we continued back to the church and arrived, to what we thought, was a very tense situation. So we went back outside and waited until it was over.  When it was over we went back upstairs to find out what had happened.
                We were told by the other half of the group that this lady was so happy with the invitation to the bible study. She said “I am so happy to know that I am loved.” She told the group “Tonight, my mother and I were planning on ending our lives.” Her mother had been in Anchorage at the time. She had been texting her mother that there is a reason for them to live!

- Thomas Houle

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