Monday, December 10, 2012

Joe Hendrickx's letter to the editor

This was submitted and posted to The Forum. This article is used with the permission of its author.

In response to the article "Teen denied confirmation after Facebook post" from November 15, 2012:
For the most part, the only point in which the article made sense was the opening line, "If you want to be a Catholic, you have to be 100 percent Catholic." No surprise there. To be a Catholic in good standing you have to uphold the precepts of the Church.

The boys mother, Shana, said "You kind of know the Cahtolic beliefs, but I never thought they would deny somebody confirmation because you weren't 100 percent." "Kind of" are the key words here, you clearly don't understand the Catholic beliefs.

This may not be your fault though, the Church has had poor Catechesis for decades, I grew up close to your town, but in the St. Cloud Diocese, so I've experienced this also. Hopefully that will spark a new generation who is eager to teach the faith to others, and we can reverse the problem. Shana also said she didn't plan on going to church ever again.

That is, well, just pathetic.

 If you hear something contradicting your beliefs, find out why, don't just take the lazy way out and leave. I promise you there is reason for every one of the Church's teachings. Finally, Lennon said that, "You should be able to go to a church for support, help."

The Catholic Church welcomes everyone, but it actually cares about you and about your soul, that's why it's so "strict" in teaching. If you want to go to another church that simply accepts anyone and their beliefs, without any real teaching on morals or good and evil, you can find it in just about any one of the 30,000 protestant churches.

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